
“Original Sound”

“Original Sound”

There is a setting in Zoom called “Original Sound.” You can turn it on or off. I first learned about it from my musician friends who were trying to perform music on Zoom and found the results less than satisfactory until they turned on Original Sound. As it turns...

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A Vaster Space

A Vaster Space

When we come upon beautiful things,they act like small tears in the surface of the worldthat pull us through to some vaster space. - Elaine Scarry This quote gives voice to what I try to express with my photography. Large or small, vibrant or subtle, I see beauty...

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What’s In A Name?

What’s In A Name?

Over the course of my life I have had a variety of names. At birth I was given the name Roger Charles Lynn (the middle name being my Dad’s middle name, and his Dad’s first name). Growing up (on those occasions when one of my parents was calling me to come home) I...

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Receiving the Gifts

Receiving the Gifts

“Life is not measuredby the number of breaths we take,but by the number of momentsthat take our breath away.” Most mornings find me on a trail at sunrise. Those walks help me to stay present and grounded. They remind me of who I am and all that I am connected to....

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