
Seeking to Be Present

Seeking to Be Present

I feel untethered from time and place, and it’s an unsettling experience. My goal is to be grounded and present in each moment. But that’s not what’s happening. This morning was a perfect example. I took a walk at sunrise along the shore of a local reservoir. The...

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Letting Go

Letting Go

Life is a series    of letting go,       whether willingly          or with resistance,             and I get to choose. I cannot know    what comes next,       or where the road          will take me, but I can trust    that I am always and forever       held in...

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The Gift of Each Moment

The Gift of Each Moment

At the edge of the mountain a mama deer and her triplet offspring have been hanging out for a couple of weeks. I’ve seen them several times on my morning hikes. Today I’m standing on a ridge watching them in the field below me. Mama is munching on the grass, the...

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