“Life is not measured
by the number of breaths we take,
but by the number of moments
that take our breath away.”
Most mornings find me on a trail at sunrise. Those walks help me to stay present and grounded. They remind me of who I am and all that I am connected to. On any given morning there are countless things that take my breath away and send a little thrill through my soul. The waning moon and Venus shining bright in the eastern sky as I hike up the hill. The coyotes howling in the distance. Seeing my breath in the cold morning air. A herd of deer crossing the trail right in front of me and then heading down the hill to join another group in the field below. A pair of song birds singing to each other. Windows across the valley catching the first rays of the sun and filling the hills with shining rubies, topaz, and diamonds. An owl hooting and a hawk taking flight. And as I pay attention and notice all these gifts my life is enriched and expanded because I remember that I am a part of all of it. I’ll keep walking the trails with an open heart, ready to receive the blessings which are always being offered.