Sometimes the Universe Has Other Plans

Roger Lynn is an experiential mystic – lover of life – photographer – flute player – poet – hiker – hot spring soaker – expresser of gratitude – blessed beyond the capacity of words to express. He currently lives in Boulder, CO.

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Sometimes (often?), the Universe has other plans, and I’m learning to pay attention and listen (to my body, my heart, and sometimes my weather app).  The weather turned absolutely beastly this afternoon (45mph wind gusts blowing the rain sideways), and it’s predicted to be similar for the next several days. I honestly can’t imagine walking 20km per day for 4 days in such conditions. So I’ve let go of my plans to reach the ocean. I’m taking a train tomorrow morning to Madrid, and then flying home on Thursday. I’m disappointed to be missing the ocean (and not being able to say that I walk all the way across a whole country), but this feels like the right thing to do.

Buen Camino!



  1. Ellen Goodwillie

    I am so glad you have made this journey of a life time. I have been following you on Facebook and amazed at your wisdom and the beautiful photos you have taken. Blessings as you continue on your spiritual journey and head home. Ellen Goodwillie

  2. Barbara Barnes

    As the thru-hikers say, “hike YOUR hike”.

  3. Bruce Bradberry

    You’ve scored the winning touchdown. No extra point is required. (Besides, I seem to recall that you have previously seen, and wrestled with, the ocean.) Try to not let your neck be broken by the abrupt return to . . . whatever this is.

  4. Marvin Eckfeldt

    You’ve had a marvelous journey and we who have read your narrative have been blessed as well. Safe trip on te way back home and Thank You.

  5. Anonymous

    Roger, it’s been a very beautiful experience to journey with you through your posts, through your way of thinking about your experience, and through your extraordinary abilities with a camera. I have felt a sense of the sacredness of your endeavor. Congratulations on walking all the way to Santiago. That is amazing. Wishing you a beautiful and blessed journey home. Kay Christopher


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