Roger Lynn is an experiential mystic – lover of life – photographer – flute player – poet – hiker – hot spring soaker – expresser of gratitude – blessed beyond the capacity of words to express. He currently lives in Boulder, CO.

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Camino – Day 28

I have now been on the Camino for four weeks. And I have about 200km left to go before I reach Santiago (and then more after that to reach Finisterra). And with the exception of a couple of unnecessarily crabby days (from which I learned that I can choose to have more fun than that) I have thoroughly loved every moment of this amazing experience. I have never in my whole life walked this much, this consistently, over this number of days. I can honestly say that I feel stronger now than I did when I started. And I continue to sense that I am being transformed, both my body and my spirit. What a gift that is!

Today was a relatively short (18km) walk that took me about four and a half hours (including time for some desayuno next to el castillo, and trying to track down an ATM that would actually take my card). Most of it was on sidewalks and pavement, through a city and the extended urban environment related to that city. And yet, even though such circumstances tend to not be my favorite parts of the Camino, there were still fun surprises and extended time for enjoying the simple pleasure of walking.

Perhaps the biggest surprise (because I have intentionally avoid much advanced research, precisely so that I can be surprised) was coming around a corner in the city of Ponferrada and finding a huge castle fortress right in front of me. Associated with the Templar, it was a remarkable huge and imposing structure. I really can’t even begin to contemplate what it took to get it constructed. The added bonus being that it was time for breakfast and, conveniently enough, there was an eating establishment located literally in the shadow of the castle. So that’s where I had breakfast. I really am living a charmed life.

Another 10km or so and I arrived in the town of Camponaraya, where I was the first guest to check in at the Albergue Naraya. The town is (to me anyway) a largely uninteresting place), but the albergue is clean and well appointed (and only 10 euros for the night). And there’s a pizza place just down the street, so there’s that.

I’ve rambled enough for now. It’s time for me to stop typing and just enjoy this marvelously wondrous life I am living.

Buen Camino!

Here is a link to today’s photos –



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