Roger Lynn is an experiential mystic – lover of life – photographer – flute player – poet – hiker – hot spring soaker – expresser of gratitude – blessed beyond the capacity of words to express. He currently lives in Boulder, CO.

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Camino – Day 18

It has been a lovely 22km day, over rolling hills through agriculture fields. I landed in the city of Sahagun, at the Albergue de peregrinos de La Santa Cruz.  Sahagun is a larger city, but still small (a population of about 3,000). The numbers I’ve seen still seem to support my thought that where I stayed last night is the halfway point on the Camino, but Sahagun promotes itself as “Centro del Camino.” Tomorrow I will get a certificate to that effect. I’m planning to stay here tomorrow as a rest day.

I’ve been on the Way long enough now that I’m starting to run into people I’ve met previously. And today I met someone who has spent some time walking with someone I met a few days back. As it turns out we are staying in the same room tonight. He’s a Presbyterian clergy person, and there is much we share in common, both in terms of experience and perspective. We had a delightful lunch together, and I suspect this is not the last time we connect (on the Camino and beyond). One of the surprises on the Camino has been the people who have dropped into my life (for a moment or for longer). And I find that I don’t need to be attached to how long such encounters last. My job is simply stay open and notice when it happens, and enjoy the moment when it does. What might that understanding have to offer for my life beyond the Camino? I guess I shall see!

I continue to luxuriate in the simplicity of this slow paced life I am living. Sleeping, walking, eating, relaxing, enjoying. I know that it is a gift, and I am doing my best to respond by being present to the gift and enjoying every moment.

Tomorrow will be my second rest day, and I think it will be good for me. I got my first blister today (on the bottom of my heal). Seems pretty minor and I’ve attended to it, but a day to rest and breathe and assimilate this whole experience, here at the halfway point, will be good for body and soul.

So for now I will close, knowing that it has been a good day and there will be more manana.

Buen Camino!

Here is a link to photos from today –



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