Roger Lynn is an experiential mystic – lover of life – photographer – flute player – poet – hiker – hot spring soaker – expresser of gratitude – blessed beyond the capacity of words to express. He currently lives in Boulder, CO.

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Day 10

Yesterday was a funky day in which I spent much of it feeling sad and crabby and a bit off. It ended in an alberge that was marginal at best, complete with a woman running the place who was even crabbier than I was feeling. That actually snapped me out of my funk, because it was so outrageous it was funny.

So, after a good night’s sleep and an intentional shift in my own attitude, I began Day 10 of my Camino adventure. The haiku I composed somewhere in the first couple of kilometers describes it well.

open arms and heart

is how I greet this new day

one step at a time

And that is how the morning went. Kilometer after kilometer there was a lightness in my steps and a quiet contentment in my heart. I ran into my friends in the village where I stopped for breakfast. And then on I walked. Small old world villages blended into one another, each with their own unique charm. Which led to the happy accident of my final stop for the day.

I had intended to have an easy 20km day, but I lost track of how many villages I had walked through. I was 2km down the path before I realized I had passed the place I intended to stop. So I kept going for another couple of kilometers and arrived at San Anton Abad (hotel and alberge) in Villafranca Montes de Oca, making it a 24km day. It feels like I have arrived in the lap of alberge luxury – upscale and elegant in a beautiful setting. The dorm I’m in has roomy individual cubicals for each bed. It’s light and airy. And it’s 15 euros for the night.

As I write this I’m sitting in a comfortable leather chair, sipping on a delicious glass of sangria. I even wrote my very first poem in Spanish.

Las mañanas son para el camino.

Las tardes son para vino y amigos.

¡Y todo es por Vive!

I might see about staying another night. I haven’t taken a rest day yet.

May all your days be as lovely as this one has been. It’s quite remarkable what a little shift in attitude can accomplish. Buen Camino.

Someday I will have enough bandwidth to get some photos posted, but apparently that day is not today. Keep checking back.



  1. Patricia Turner

    Love your heartfelt and open shares. Glad today was better and it sounds like a wonderful spot to take that day of rest. Looking forward to more pics and so happy you can now see comments. Been Camino! Patty

  2. Marvin Eckfeldt

    Thanks Roger. Your observations are really helpful today!

  3. Donna Spencer

    I look forward to see your notes and pictures each day. Seems like a wonderful journey!


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