Roger Lynn is an experiential mystic – lover of life – photographer – flute player – poet – hiker – hot spring soaker – expresser of gratitude – blessed beyond the capacity of words to express. He currently lives in Boulder, CO.

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A week ago today I left my home in Colorado and set off for Spain to walk the Camino de Santiago. I was excited and a bit anxious. I had some ideas about what awaited me and mostly knew that I had no clue. And I was correct on both counts. Looking back now over this past week I can hardly begin to grasp all that has transpired. Every day has been unique and so filled with experiences I could not have imagined. I have made lovely new friends, walked 125km, including one day when I walked 34km, and wept in overwhelmed awe at the sheer beauty of it all. My feet have trod where countless other pilgrims have trod over many hundreds of years. There have been meals shared with folks from a variety of places who were speaking a variety of languages. And I feel like I am being profoundly transformed in ways I am only beginning to recognize. When I next meet my family and friends I may need to reintroduce myself. And thus it is that I step into Day 6 of my time on the Camino, not knowing how this day will unfold except that it will be filled with gifts beyond imagining. Buen Camino!



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