Tonight I was staring up into a dark sky full of stars. They were bright points of light and they were plentiful. Orion and the Big Dipper. Mars shining in that peculiar way Mars does. And it was glorious. But then, after not that many minutes had passed, I realized that my attention had waned. Sitting there beneath this splendid canopy I was waiting – waiting for something spectacular to show up and Wow me. A bright meteor streaking across the sky perhaps, or I don’t even know what. And the moment this truth reached my awareness there was nothing left to do but laugh at my own sad silliness. I had become bored with the overwhelming vastness of the galaxy above me. “It would be a perfect night if only something amazing happened!” was really what I was unconsciously thinking. Fortunately, the awareness rose up in time. I laughed, and then I stepped back into the magic and the wonder of the moment. The stars were still there, shining in all their magnificent glory, waiting for me to come back to the moment, which is always the only place where the magic can happen. Wonder is all around me in every moment – literally in every moment. But I have to get out of my own way just long enough to notice and allow it to sweep me off my feet. It is a lesson I will need to learn over and over again, and it is a lesson worth learning.