Roger Lynn is an experiential mystic – lover of life – photographer – flute player – poet – hiker – hot spring soaker – expresser of gratitude – blessed beyond the capacity of words to express. He currently lives in Boulder, CO.

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Camino – Day 26

A happy gift, resulting from me not knowing what I was doing, leaves me slowing down my pace. When I made my plane reservations several months ago I had only a vague idea how much time to allow, so I chose to err on the side of excess because I absolutely did not want to be rushed. Now about 2/3 of the way to Santiago, with a walk to Finisterra after that, I find that I have ample time. So I’m adjusting. For the next couple of weeks I intend to average 15 to 18 kilometers per day, with the possibility of a rest day as an added bonus. All of that means that the days are very relaxed.

This morning I was walking away from my albergue just before 7am (the sun comes up a bit after 8am). Walking by moonlight through the quiet rural landscape was so peaceful. Two haikus came flowing through in relatively quick succession.

walking by moonlight

here at the day’s beginning

fills my heart with peace


a cowbell clanging

out in the predawn darkness

is a small delight

And then, occasionally remembering to glance behind me, I caught yet another gorgeous sunrise.

The Camino led me on a gradual (and then not so gradual) uphill ascent, ultimately totaling about 500 meters of elevation gain. It felt so good to be climbing into the hills once more. Passing through a couple of small villages along the way, with their narrow cobblestone streets and lovely stonework walls, followed by a steep push over the final few kilometers, I arrived at my intended destination after about 17km.

Foncebadón is a small village nestled near the top of this tall hill (small mountain – not sure where the dividing line for such things falls), with a view to the east that goes on forever. It is a village which seems to be comprised primarily of albergues, bar-restaurantes, and stunning views. As I sit here sipping my sangria and composing this blog post I’m looking out at numerous wind turbines on the next hill to the south (Spain seems to have invested heavily in renewable energy) and mountain peaks behind them. The summit of this rise is about a kilometer or so further west. I will head that way tomorrow morning. For now it is enough to be in this lovely setting, with time to do nothing but relax and enjoy the view. I am finding that life can be very good indeed when I give myself permission to simply let it happen.

Buen Camino indeed!

Here is a link to photos from today –



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