Roger Lynn is an experiential mystic – lover of life – photographer – flute player – poet – hiker – hot spring soaker – expresser of gratitude – blessed beyond the capacity of words to express. He currently lives in Boulder, CO.

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Day 6

An easy day – breakfast at the alberge, departure by about 8am, 19km walk from Luquin to Torres del Rio. Arrived about noon. Checked in to the alberge (La Pata de Oca). Went find a cerveza and some lunch, followed by an easy stroll around the pueblo and relaxing in the courtyard of the alberge. Life is very good.

Today was full of mud, vineyards, olive groves, an occasional fig or almond tree, a lovely food truck with fresh squeezed naranja jugo, changing landscapes, cooler temperatures, walking through more old world streets, and easy silence and lovely conversation with my new friends. Every day has been unique and every day has been a treasure. I realized that I am never going to be able to remember every experience and scene, but collectively they are filling and transforming me. This is such a priceless gift. I am savoring every moment.

Here is a link to today’s photos:



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