Never the Same River

Roger Lynn is an experiential mystic – lover of life – photographer – flute player – poet – hiker – hot spring soaker – expresser of gratitude – blessed beyond the capacity of words to express. He currently lives in Boulder, CO.

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For the past couple of months I have had the good fortune of staying with some friends while I’ve been looking for a place to live in my newly adopted city. It has been a huge gift and I am incredibly grateful. They are good people, kind and generous. Their kindness has taken a huge a huge pressure off this house hunting business. And, one of the fringe benefits of this gift has been the availability of their hot tub right outside my door. As a result, most morning right after I wake up, and most evening, just before heading to bed, you will find me spending a few minutes soaking and staring up into the star filled (and sometimes cloud filled) sky. Many of my recent haikus have emerged from this wonderful aquatic practice. So it was that this evening a fun realization emerged. I was having a difficult time finding a new haiku. What else could I say that would be fresh and new? Was I in danger of falling into a rut? There had been this one…

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and this one…