I am midway through my 69th trip around the sun, and only now am I even beginning to feel really comfortable in my own skin. There is so much more to learn. Of that I am sure. But lately, for what seems the first time, I find myself catching glimpses of my place in the world and can actually own the legitimacy of my being here. I regret all those moments, all those days and months and years, when I didn’t believe I was worthy of belonging. If time travel were suddenly to become possible, I would be tempted to go back to some early point in my life and whisper in my ear that the voice in my head telling me I was unworthy was simply not true. But, of course, I would not have been able to truly hear such a whisper, much less actually believe it. It took me as long as it took to reach this point. There is no going back. There is only going on from here. A quote I read yesterday sums it up quite nicely. “Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new end.” And so, for as long as I have left, whether that be an hour or a couple of decades, I will endeavor to savor each and every moment, astounded by the amazing gift of this life, and believing that I am, in fact, worthy to be here. And so are you. One moment, one breath, one heart beat at a time.
love the “make a brand new end ” I agree that do-overs would be great but we can make amends in our own hearts then live with what is.
thanks for sharing
“This is the moment you’ve been preparing all your life for”. Author unknown, but I remind myself of it regularly.
One moment, one breath, one heartbeat…. So poetic and beautiful! Thank you for sharing!