When Spirit Shows Up

Roger Lynn is an experiential mystic – lover of life – photographer – flute player – poet – hiker – hot spring soaker – expresser of gratitude – blessed beyond the capacity of words to express. He currently lives in Boulder, CO.

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I had a remarkable experience at Dance Camp last night. We had a talent, no talent show (Rumi Cafe). For my contribution, I played my Native American style flute. Before I played, I told the story of my late wife Veronica, who always encouraged me to play. She was the one who originally got me involved with the Dances of Universal Peace, and the flute I was playing in my Veronica memorial flute. A couple of nights before she died, I was with her in her hospital room and she asked me to play my flute to the Four Directions. I didn’t really know how to do that, but when the love of your life who is in the hospital makes such a request you do your best to comply. All of this was complicated by the fact that her hearing at this point was so sensitive I couldn’t play in her room. So I played to the Four Directions in the bathroom next to her room. It was the last time she heard me play.

Then I briefly told the Rumi Cafe folks one of the reasons I love the flute is because it is a Spirit powered instrument. In Hebrew, the word for spirit is Ruach, which is also the word for wind and breath.

After telling this story I played my flute for my friends at Dance Camp. Right after I began playing, the wind outside started to come up and quickly became quite noticeable. It immediately occurred to me that it was Veronica, showing up to lend her support to my playing. I’m still amazed that I was able to finish.

Lately my aim in life is simply to show up in each moment, stay present, and pay attention. When I manage to do that amazing things happen. Last night was a profoundly powerful illustration of what is possible.

My heart is so full.


1 Comment

  1. Saraswati

    I know the sound of that beautiful flute. I look forward to hearing it again sometime. Such a beautiful story, and I’m so happy that Veronica came to share it with you and support you. I have so much love for the human being that you are my friend. Saraswati


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