Camino – The Journey Home

Roger Lynn is an experiential mystic – lover of life – photographer – flute player – poet – hiker – hot spring soaker – expresser of gratitude – blessed beyond the capacity of words to express. He currently lives in Boulder, CO.

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This is Day 42, and today I begin my journey home. It is happening earlier than I originally intended, and it is the right decision to make. I have mixed feelings in this moment. There is sadness that my Camino pilgrimage is ending (it has been a truly amazing and transformative experience), disappointment that I will not be seeing the ocean and fulfilling my desire to walk across a country, curiosity and a bit of appreciation that I am about to end my 41 day streak of not using any motorized vehicle (what’s it going to feel like to move faster than 5km/hour?), and relief to be on my way home. In a few hours I will be on a train bound for Madrid. Tomorrow I will be on a plane bound for the United States. There are still lessons to be learned and beauty to be experienced, but now that will be occurring within the context of a broader and ongoing Camino pilgrimage (otherwise known as my life).

Buen Camino!



  1. Ellen Goodwillie

    Beautifully stated. A pilgrimage never ends. Safe travels as you head home.

  2. Anonymous

    You have to docwhat your

  3. Anonymous


  4. Anonymous

    You have to do what your your heart tells you is right. Safe and pleasant travels home. It has been a wonerful journeny to. BeThis gave me sometning to look forward to every day

    • Donna Spencer

      I’ follolwed your wonderful journey I’d love if you would pop in on mine now and


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