Camino – Day 41 – Santiago

Roger Lynn is an experiential mystic – lover of life – photographer – flute player – poet – hiker – hot spring soaker – expresser of gratitude – blessed beyond the capacity of words to express. He currently lives in Boulder, CO.

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Camino – Day 41 – Santiago

Well, apparently my body doesn’t care if it’s a rest day. It still wakes up early. Just in case you were wondering, I can tell you that there are not many people moving around the streets of old Santiago at 7am.

Today was a low energy day. Perhaps related to the upbeat energy of yesterday. Whatever the reason, it felt like I was wandering the streets in a bit of a fuzzy-brained haze. At one point I even went back to my room and took a nap (it didn’t really help). I took some photos of the Cathedral (including inside), along with several other very old churches in the nearby vicinity (within a few blocks). And then the rain and the wind both picked up and I called it a day. Sitting here in my room I’m watching the rain blowing sideways. It looks like that might be what I’m walking in tomorrow. We shall see.

My journey is drawing to a close, but it’s not over yet (and, in one sense it will never be over – I suspect that I will now forever be a peregrino). There are still lessons to be learned (like learning what it takes to walk 20km in the rain, perhaps), as well as wonder and beauty to behold. Whatever tomorrow might bring, I will seek to discover ways to experience it as a Buen Camino!

Here is a link to today’s photos –



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