Roger Lynn is an experiential mystic – lover of life – photographer – flute player – poet – hiker – hot spring soaker – expresser of gratitude – blessed beyond the capacity of words to express. He currently lives in Boulder, CO.

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Camino – Day 38

The Camino continues to offer gifts. Today I had a lovely walk, mostly in the woods, sometimes next to small a small stream. It was peaceful and quiet, often just me alone with the birds and the assorted early morning sounds. The air was cool and soft.

I spent the morning experimenting with my pace. For most of my life I have walked at a relatively fast pace. It just seemed like the speed at which I naturally move. But today I slowed down. At times it was barely a stroll. The landscape today was rolling hills, with lots of up and down. And on the uphill sections each step was distinct and intensional. It was so relaxing. I had time to notice and appreciate so much more of the world through which I was moving. It seems that after 5+ weeks of traveling at no more than 5km per hour (and often slower than that) my body (and my brain) has begun to adjust. I had an interesting awareness of this at one point. While walking down a slope several bicyclists came zipping by, and I found the speed at which they were moving to be almost jarring.

Today has been a good day and I find that my energy (and my spirit )have revived. And yet, at the same time, I am still very much at peace with my decision to end my Camino experience early. In fact, I believe that decision has contributed to the revival of my energy level. I quite like this whole “listening to my body and my heart” thing. I think I’ll try to keep doing that. 😊

For now I will simply offer the wish that I have been offering for the last 37 days, because it continues to be what I would like to see for all my friends – Buen Camino!

Here is a link to today’s photos –


1 Comment

  1. Amy Jo Jones Lightning

    I love reading your blog! Are you going to make it to 40 days? A significant number. I would also love to hear how re-entry will be for you. I feel like I have been on a monastic retreat in reading your posts.


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