Roger Lynn is an experiential mystic – lover of life – photographer – flute player – poet – hiker – hot spring soaker – expresser of gratitude – blessed beyond the capacity of words to express. He currently lives in Boulder, CO.

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I am having the most perfect day. It really is quite lovely. It was a 24km day, starting in Cizur Minor and ending in Maneru. Most of the day I walked with my new friends Sally and Charlotte. I really am enjoying them quite a lot. Through the day there were such wonderful surprises. Finding a double decker food bus at the top of the highest elevation of the day and ordering a milkshake (it really tasted so good). Conversations with Charlotte and Sally (sometimes walking with one and sometimes with the other). At the end I walked ahead and got to the Alberge first and was sitting out front having a cerveza when they arrived. All of us agree that we won some kind of alberge lottery with this place. It is absolutely luxurious. We get to sleep on real sheets tonight! It is in this quaint old world village and is just perfect. And it’s quite remarkable how quickly friendships can form. I want Charlotte to meet all the daughters. And then my daughter Maia sent this absolutely perfect song that speaks to this Camino experience.

“You don’t have to know the way,

the way knows the way

You don’t have to plan the way

Trust the way, feel your way

The way knows

The way knows

The way knows the way”

A very good day indeed, and it’s not done yet.

Here’s a link to Day 4 photos:



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